Monday, February 25, 2008

Cercle de lecture

I seem to have given someone an impression or two that I might, oh I don't know... actually read books. Although I'd normally scorn such social obligation, even trivial ones, I was feeling sunburnt, stuffed and sorry-for-myself on Sunday afternoon and decided that I might solicit some sympathy. However, (un?)fortunately a quick search of my room revealed I did not have a single book therein. It appears all the books I own are currently archived at my parents place after failing the I-want-to-read-them-right-now test when I was packing up to move out.

At work however, I do have a book (two actually) within my possession that I've borrowed from a colleague. It's quite probably one of the least invigorating books I've read so hopefully the Swedish Chef will hide that it's a complete humdrum.

Expereeence-a veet preefetiseshun in muny icunumeees, ispeceeelly defelupeeng, is steell leemited. Bork bork bork! In a soorfey recently cerreeed oooot, ooff 37 defelupeeng cuoontreees it ves fuoond thet in ell by tvu, zee noomber ooff interpreeses suld, leesed oor cuntrected oooot vere-a fooer thun 20, und zee egenceees usooelly hed smell esset felooes und impluyment; un iqooeefelent peectoore-a frum defeluped cuoontreees fur zee seme-a pereeud gefe-a fooer thun 30 egenceees preefetised fur ebuoot 35 cuoontreees. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Neferzeeless, ifee sooch leemited ixpereeence-a ooffffers sume-a cleer preefetiseshun lessuns. Um gesh dee bork, bork!

T.W.Berrie - Electricity Economics and Planning
I'm going to skip the tagging step, as my dice are neither at work nor home (nor my parents place) so I am unable to roll a d6 without more effort than I'm willing to spend. I can however bask in the uniqueness that is me, at least as far as wikipedia is concerned.

Since I'm at work, I guess I should actually get back to work and continue being the WiSE guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased that you caved in to the (admittedly slight) obligation and (well, practically non-existent) pressure, especially in view of my obvious obliviousness to your evident non-readingness.

... and in view of the fact that since you're so unique, you didn't have to do the other parts at all. :)